Thursday, April 27, 2017


Prayer - Thennadudaya Shivane Potri; Ennattavarkkum Iraiva Potri.
1.Shiva in dance form is known as Nataraja. In Tamil Nadu, we have dedicated Shiva Temple - Thillai Ambala Nataraja Temple, Chidambaram -Our ex FM also has this name.
2.The Suta Samhita embedded inside Skanda Purana and variously dated between 7th and 10th century mentions the Chiadambaram dance.
3. It is found in various texts such as Tatva Nidhi which describes seven types of dances of Shiva.
4. In between Thillai Ambala Nataraja’s seven types of dances there were six beats of various sounds
1.First Beat -
A - (pronounced a in “amma”) The first letter stands for negation. Awareness exists in two states, awareness that is not even aware of itself - that is the first state, "A", like a zero; and awareness that is aware of itself, like a zero that is the sum of opposites for ex. (1)+(-1)=0. A small deviation, a small movement - that is the second state. Awareness has these two properties of oneness and manyness.
I –(pronounced Yea in “Ilai”) is the second letter. It is the desire of the awareness to know itself by splitting into subject and object.
U –(pronounced oo in “Ural”) to preserve the desire is called "u". That is preservation(Sristi).
Sristi, the creation has not occured in "A" (kuril). Only when "A" desires to manifest itself it becomes an orgasmically elongated "AA"( nedil - pronounced as in “aadu’). This desire is represented by "I"(kuril). When "I" is fully expressed it becomes"Ii" (pronounced as in “eeram”-nedil) . The desire to preserve that altered state of awareness is "U"(kuril) and "Uu"(pronounced as in “oonjal”-nedil).
Restated -List of first six of twelve Tamil vowels:
A - as pronounced in [A]mma.
AA-(nedil or elongated first lettet) as pronounced in[Aa]rti.
I - as pronounced as (E)ngland.
II - (nedil or elonagted third letter) as pronounced in (ea)ger.
Similarly for U and UU
First State
The creation has not occured in "A".It stands for negation and is the sum of opposites ex. (+2) + (-2) = 0. If you have knowledge alone and when you negate it you have ignorance. When you have ignorance alone and negate it, it becomes knowledge. But when you have the sum of the two and you try to negate the sum, knowledge moves over to ignorance and ignorance moves over to knowledge and so the sum total is not changed even when you deny it. It cannot be denied. It is self-evident. It is your own knowledge that you exist. It does not have to be proved to you. The awareness has this property of selfproving, Svaprakasha. Awareness is self enlightening; that does not another light to show its existence, it is proof unto itself.]
Second State
Only when "A" desires to manifest itself it becomes an orgasmically elonagted nedil "AA"
2.Second Beat-
Then creation proceeds further through the letters.
A + i is E (pronounced as in “eli” and “aeni”)
E + a is Ai. (Pronounced as in “Aiver”)
A + u is O. (Pronounced in “ottakam” and “Oviyam”)
E + u is Au. (Pronounced as in “Avvaiyaar”)
3.Third Beat
Ak is the seed expressed outside itself as an object.
Thirteenth letter is called Ak (represented by Three dots as in Trinetras) When awareness is observing a part of itself, the observed part appears to it as if it does not have an awareness. So awareness is creating a non-awareness relative to it in this process. This is represented by "Ak" (or Ayudham). This vowel sound is considered to be of neutral gender, denoting objects which are not experienced the same way as the subject experiences itself.
So creation, preservation and disolution of the object are being mapped by the vowel sounds of the Tamil alphabets. This completes the formation of the vowel sounds.
The vowels a,aa,i,ii,u,uu,e,ee,ai,o,oo,au- should be divided into four divisions in the order of energy of sounds.
a and aa form the child division
i and ii form the youth division
u and uu form the king division
The rest form the old man division.
4.Fourth Beat
Eternal Consonants : Ya, ra, la,va, lha, zha (idainam)
The desire to procreate comes down from the sky to earth as the consonants. Ya, Ra, Va. Followed by La, Lha and Zha which are the densest objectification of the five states of aggregation of matter,(called earth element here).
5.Fifth Beat
Soft Consonants: nga ngga nhha na ma nha (mellinam)
6.Sixth Beat
Hard Consonants: ka sa da ta pa ra (vallinam)
As we can see the drum beats are none other than the Tamil Alphabets.
Words and sentences are auditory forms informing about creation, maintenance and dissolution. Similarly high coded Visual Gemetrical Structure exists. Dhyanam on it revealed many truths to its secrets through cosmic awareness. The seer is always one. The seen are many.
Subramanyar Yantiram Starts with Tamil letter “Om” with a dot on the “ma”. The dot is the seer, never seen.
1.Surrounding is the two triangles - the seen which includes the seer.
2.Surrounding that there are eight pedalled lotuses.
3.Surrounding that there are circles, in and out and a square enclosure. The square enclosure has four entrances.
Looking from outwards going in, 3,2,1 - you are crossing the ocean of Creation, Maintenance and Reabsorption.
The centre of every experience is yourself. That is “om”. That is “nama shivaya”

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