Sunday, August 28, 2011

தமிழ் பிறப்பு ரஹஷ்யம் 1 - What is in a Sound?

Discussion on Trending Topic "Science Behind the Mantras" in

I've heard that a Mantra should be chanted properly to be effective. Is it true? If yes, then I have a query. I have seen people pronounce the Mantra "Om Namah Shivay" differently...South Indians chant it as Siva...which is the right one...Siva or Shiva?...and does it really matter?
Devendra Rao on Nov 26, 2010 at 03:42 pm

To Devendra Rao
It matters on what a category/type of mantra is and its role. In your specific query on Siva/Shiva it does not matter.
Sage Panini (Sanskrit) visioned three nadis (Sa,Sha,Shaa) emanating from Mooladhara Chakra and Sage Agasthiya (Tamil) identified as one(Sa) considering the energy levels in South Indian climatic conditions. All three nadis are emanating from Mooladhara Chakra.
As you may be aware, "hum" - a malevolent mantra in Tibetian climate is not necessary in India and "ham" is sufficient.
For south indian climates, Sage Agasthiya distinguished "La" -(one nadi by Sage panini) emanating from Swadhistana Chakra as three nadis la,lha,zha.
Climatic conditions do alter pranic body of habitants.
You may also read details in my earlier post in this same forum.
Nrv Appasamy replies to Devendra Rao on Aug 24, 2011 at 10:05 pm

To understand “Science behind the mantras”, one should believe energy principle and its association with Shusma sharir, nadis and chakras.

Below are two views – one is the utility and another is futility of words.

Utility view shows, how sage Agasthiya constructed an eternal classical language Tamil with a purpose. Futility view is from Osho’s beautiful explanation on Technique 37 of Vignyana Bhairava Tantra.

Utility View:

Mantras: Tamil has eighteen (6 x 3)  Consonants, twelve (6 x 2) vowels and a weapon (trinetra -three dots).

Tamil is eternal –has no death. [*see Tamil Structure]

Ya, ra, la, va, lha, zha (especially la lha zha are unique to tamil) – nadis emanate from swadhistana chakra makes it eternal. [nadis are channels of energy/sound; chakras are storehouses of energy/sound; The mandala or piece of environment where it puts its ownership rights is the adhisthana and throughout tamilians life this mandala will act as an auric centre that will store all his karma and the base for many lives that a person has to go through i.e. deep in unconscious]

Tamil Structure

Tamil is structured by Sage Agasthiya who had expert knowledge of Panini’s Sanskrit as well. It was the era of defeat (from Aryans) and lack of desire and hence structured to impart success in wars (Lord Karthikeya) and drive to acquire jewels.

Mantra [Tamil Sounds]

Visuddhi Chakra- a aa e ee u uu ae aea I o oo ou (uyir) [Communication]
Anahata heart chakra and Manipura chakra (mei) [Warrior & Materialism]
Right – ka sa da ta pa ra (Hard consonants)
Left - ngha nggha na nha ma nhha (Soft consonants)
Swadhistana - Ya, ra, va, la, lha, zha (eternal consonants)
Aagya – Ak (Ayutha) (vision-trinetra)

Yantra [form]

The visual form of Tamil language is Lord Karthikeya. He is born on the day of suklapaksha (sixth day of bright half of lunar month) carried by Lord Agni (Manipura Chakra) with six faces (2x6 vowels; 3x6 consonants), wield a vel (spear). His beauty can be well defined as that of sun’s rays and is considered as a war God. (Anahata Chakra). Worshipping this form makes one Success in wars  and endurance.


The mandala or piece of environment where it puts its ownership rights and encompasses cosmic elements of temples, art, architecture and music. The mandala will act as an auric centre (protective seal) and the effect is now felt in the subtler dimension of consciousness of over 60 million people.


As an oldest classical language, Tamil has its own drawbacks. It is refined over time continuosly. It also accommodated the words of other languages over time.

Two examples to quote:

1.The grammer was perfected again by Sage Tholkappian.
 2.Tamil has lot of influence over Sanskrit words. Similarly Sanskrit words also become part of Tamil. (Sanskrit is another great well structured classical language of India).Tamil has gone one step ahead to include many letters (vada mozhi sorkkal) to pronounce and adopt Sanskrit words to invoke additional nadis.

Today it mix and remix other languages like English .English is the language which made Englishmen to rule the entire world by invoking certain mystic nadis of its speakers.  Now Tanglish made Tamils, a real global citizens.
Futility View: Words -- at their futility, their meaninglessness, and do not become attached to any word.

Words are sounds. Thoughts are words in sequence, in logical sequence, in a particular pattern. Sound is basic. With sound words are created, and then with words thoughts are created, and then with thoughts languages, religion and philosophy, everything. Deep down is the sound.


We speak languages. One is English, one is Hindi, one is Tamil, or something else. We speak languages, systems of thought, and they have become so important that we can die for them. Man can die for words, for mere words. Someone calls his language useless -- then man can fight, for a mere word he can kill the other. The word has become so important. This is nonsense, but this is history and this is how we are still behaving.

A single word can create such a disturbance in you that you are ready to kill or to die for it. We speak languages, systems of thought. What are languages? Thoughts arranged logically, systematically, in a pattern. And what are thoughts? Words arranged in a system, meaningfully. And what are words? Sounds, upon which it is agreed that they mean either this or that. So sounds are basic; they are the basic structure of the mind. languages are the peak, but the bricks by which the whole structure is raised are sounds.

What is wrong? A sound is just a sound, and the meaning is given by us, agreed upon by us; otherwise it has no meaning. The meaning is invested by us, projected by us; otherwise "a aa" is just a sound -- it is meaningless. We give it a meaning, and then we create a system of thought around it. Then this word becomes very significant, then we make a language around it. Then you can do something, anything, for it. You can die or you can live for it. If someone insults this sound "a aa," you can become infuriated. And what is this? Just an agreement, a legal agreement that "This word means this." No word means anything in itself, it is simply a sound.

Bold sentences above says to go in the reverse order -- go backwards. Come to the sounds, then, more basic than sounds, a feeling is somewhere hidden. This has to be understood. Man uses words. Words mean sounds with meanings that are agreed upon. But animals, birds use sounds without any linguistic meaning. They do not have any language, but they use sounds with feeling. A bird is singing: it has a "feeling" meaning in it, it is indicating something. It may be a call for the partner, for the beloved, or it may be a call for the mother, or the child may be feeling hungry and just showing his distress. It is indicating a feeling.

Above sounds there are words, thoughts, languages; below sounds are feelings. And unless you can get below feelings, you cannot get below mind. The whole world is filled with sounds, only the human world is filled with words. And even a child who cannot use language uses sounds. Really, the whole language developed because of particular sounds that every child is using all over the world.

For example, in any language the word `mother' is somehow related with `ma'. It may be `amma', it may be `Mummy', it may be `mata', it may be `ma', -- anything -- but somewhere it is related with the sound "ma" in all the languages, more or less. The child can utter "ma" most easily. The first sound which the child can utter is "ma." Then the whole structure is based on this "ma." A child utters "ma" because it is the first sound which is easy for the child to utter. This is the case anywhere, in any part of the world, in any time. Just because of the structure of the throat and the body, "ma" is the easiest sound to utter.

And the mother is the nearest and the first person who is meaningful. So the first sound becomes associated with the first person who is meaningful, and from this mother, mater, mata, ma, all the other words are derived. But when the child for the first time utters "ma," he has no linguistic meaning for it, but a feeling is there. And because of that feeling the word becomes associated with the mother. That feeling is more basic than the sound.


First feel inside, in your consciousness, AWARENESS filled with letters: a aa e ee u uu ... any letters of any language. This can be done, and it is a very beautiful exercise. If you want to do it, close your eyes and just see your consciousness inside being filled with words.

Think of consciousness as a blackboard, then: a aa e ee u uu ... Visualize all the words, all the letters. Visualize these first as letters. "a": look at it as "a" as you write it. Write it with consciousness and look at it. Then by and by, forget the letter "a" and just remember the sound of "a" -- just the sound. Start with visualization -- because eyes are predominant for us. Ears are not so predominant. We are eye-oriented, eye-centered. Again, the reason is the same. Because eyes help us to survive more than anything else, our consciousness is ninety percent in the eyes. Conceive of yourself without eyes, and your whole life goes dead -- then a very minor part remains.

So first visualize. Use your eyes inwards and see the letters. Letters are more related to ears than eyes because they are sounds, but for us, because we are reading, reading, reading, they have become associated with eyes. Basically, they are associated with ears -- they are sounds. Start with the eyes, then forget the eyes by and by. Then move away from the eyes to the ears. First imagine them as letters, then see them, hear them MORE SUBTLY AS SOUNDS, THEN AS MOST SUBTLE FEELINGS. And this is a very beautiful exercise.

When you say "a", what is the feeling? You may not have been aware of it. What is the feeling inside you? Whenever you use any sound, what type of feeling comes into existence? We are so feeling-less that we have simply forgotten. When you see a sound, what happens inside? You go on using it and the sound is even forgotten. You go on seeing it. If I say "a", you will see it first. In your mind, "a" will become visible; you will visualize it. When I say "a", do not visualize it. Just hear the sound "a", and then go and find out what happens in your feeling center. Does nothing happen?

From letters to sounds, uncover sounds through the letters. Uncover sounds, and then, through the sounds also, uncover feelings. Be aware of how you feel. They say that man has now become very insensitive; he is the most insensitive animal on earth.

This sutra says, come back, come down -- down to the state of feeling. Feeling is not your mind: that is why you are afraid of feeling. You are not afraid of reasoning. You are always afraid of feeling because feeling can lead you into chaos. You will not be able to control. With reason, the control is with you; with the head, you are the head. Below the head you lose the head, you cannot control, you cannot manipulate. Feelings are just below the mind -- a link between you and the mind.

THEN, LEAVING THEM ASIDE, BE FREE. Then leave the feelings. And remember, only when you come to the deepest layer of feelings can you leave them. You cannot leave them just now. You are not at the deepest layer of feelings, so how can you leave them? First you have to leave languages tamil, telugu, hindi, english-- then you have to leave thoughts, then you have to leave words, then you have to leave letters, then you have to leave sounds, then you have to leave feelings -- because you can leave only that which is there. You can leave that step upon which you are standing; you cannot leave a step upon which you are not standing.

This, can be done very easily. The problem is not with feelings, the problem is with words. You can leave a feeling, just as you can undress -- as you can get out of your clothes. You can throw off your clothes; you can leave feelings simply in that way. But right now you cannot do it, and if you try to do it, it will be impossible. So go step by step.

Imagine letters – a, aa, e, ee -- then change your emphasis from the written letter to the heart sound. You are moving deep, the surface is left behind. You are sinking deep -- then feel what feeling comes through a particular sound.

Because of such techniques, India could discover many things. It could discover which sounds are related to particular feelings. Because of that science, the MANTRA was developed. A particular sound is related to a particular feeling, and it is never otherwise. So if you create that sound within you, that feeling will be created. You can use any sound, and then the related feeling will be created around you. That sound creates the space to be filled by a particular feeling.

So do not use just any mantra, that is not good; it may be dangerous for you. Unless you know, or unless a person who gives you the mantra knows, what particular sound creates what particular feeling, and whether that feeling is needed by you or not, do not use any mantra. There are mantras which are known as death mantras. If you repeat them, you will die within a particular time. Within a particular period you will die, because they create in you a longing for death.

Freud says that man has two basic instincts: libido -- eros -- the will to live, the will to be, the will to continue, the will to exist. And thanatos -- the will to die. There are particular sounds which, if you repeat them, the will to die will come to you. Then you would like just to drop into death. There are sounds which give you eros -- which give you more libido, which give you more lust to live, to be. If you create those sounds within you, that particular feeling will overwhelm you. There are sounds which give you a feeling of peace and silence, there are sounds which create anger. So do not use any sound, any mantra, unless it is given to you by a master who knows what is going to happen through it.

When you come down from sounds, you will be aware. Each sound has its counterpart in feeling. Each sound has a corresponding feeling that goes with it, just hidden behind it. Then move to the feeling; forget the sound and move to the feeling. It is difficult to explain, but you can do it. And there were techniques for this. Particularly in Zen, there were techniques. A particular mantra would be given to a seeker. If he was doing it rightly inside, the master could know from the face. The master could know from the face whether he was doing it rightly or not because a particular feeling would come. If the sound is created, then the feeling is bound to come, and it will be on the face. You cannot deceive a master. He knows by your face what is happening inside.

When you move from sounds to feelings, you move into a very, very ecstatic world, an existential world. You move away from the mind. Feelings are existential; that is what the word means -- you feel them. You cannot see them, you cannot hear them, you simply feel them. When you come to this point, you can take the jump. This is the last step. Now you are standing near an abyss; you can jump.

And if you jump from the feelings, you jump into yourself. That abyss is you -- not as your mind, but as your being; not as the accumulated past, but as the present, here and now.

You move from the mind to the being, and the bridge, the link, is the feelings. But to come to the feelings you will have to leave many things -- words, sounds, the whole deception of the mind. THEN, LEAVING THEM ASIDE, BE FREE.

You ARE free. This saying, BE FREE, doesn't mean that you have to do something to be free. THEN, LEAVING THEM ASIDE, BE FREE means you are free! Being is freedom; mind is bondage. That is why it is said that mind is the world.

Do not leave the world... you cannot leave it. If the mind is there, you will create another world; the seed is there. You can move to a mountain, to a retreat, but you will move with the mind; you cannot leave it here. The world moves with you, you will create another world. Even in your retreat you will start creating it again, because the seed is there. You will create relationships again. It may be with the trees, it may be with birds, but you will create relationships again, you will create expectations again, and you will go on spreading the net because the seed is there. You will again be in a world.

Mind is the world, and you cannot leave mind anywhere. You can leave it only if you move within. So the only Himalaya is this; no other Himalaya will do. If you move within from words to feelings, and from feelings to being, you are moving away from the world. And once you know this inner abyss of being, then you can be anywhere, even in hell. Then it makes no difference. It makes no difference then! If you are without mind, hell cannot enter you, and with mind ONLY hell enters. The mind is the door to hell.

LEAVING THEM ASIDE, BE FREE. But do not try directly with feelings, you will not succeed. Try first with words. But with words also you will not succeed if you do not leave philosophies, if you do not leave thoughts. Words are just units -- and if you give significance to words you cannot leave them.

Know well that language is a human creation. It is utilitarian, necessary, and the meanings we have given to sounds are our own creation. If you can understand this well, then you can move easily. If someone is saying something against the Koran, or against the Vedas, how do you feel? Can you laugh about it or does something clench within you? Can you laugh about it? Someone is insulting the Gita or someone is saying some derogatory thing against Krishna or Ram or Christ -- can you laugh? Can you see through the words, that these are mere words? No, you will be hurt. Then it is difficult to lose words.

See that words are just words -- noises with agreed-upon meanings and nothing else. Be convinced of it. And it is so! First become detached from words. If there is detachment from words, then you can understand that these are just noises.

It is just like in the military where they use numbers. One soldier is number 101: he can become identified with `101'. And if someone says something derogatory against the number 101, he will feel insulted, he will start fighting. And `101' is just a number, but he has become identified with it. Your name is just a number, just an index number. Things will be difficult otherwise, so we have labelled you. That is just a label; any other label can do the same work. But it is not just a label for you, it has gone deep; your name has become the center of your ego.

So they say, the so-called wise ones, they say, "Live for your name. See that your name remains pure. Respectability of your name must be there, and even if you die your name will live." It was never there, it is just a code number. You will die and the name will live... When you yourself cannot live, how is the label going to live?

Look at words -- at their futility, their meaninglessness, and do not become attached to any word.

-Extracted from Osho’s 37th technique, The Book of Secrets.

Nrv Appasamy replies to Natesh Mahadevan on Aug 23, 2011 at 09:16

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  1. Dear Sir, I have Gone through all the posts on Tamil Pirappu Rahasyam. I like to know more about this. It is quite interesting . Can you please contact me. 7095639429

  2. Question - Why does Tamil have such few consonants as compared to Sanskrit?

    1.It is believed that Tamil originated in Southern part of Peninsula and Tamil grammer is written in Podhigai Hills and its inhabitants drink water from Tamirabharani. Sanskrit originated in Himalayan Ranges, with most of the creative literary work from Kashmir and its inhabitants drink water from Saraswati. (a state of water from Himalayan Glaciers in invisble form)

    2.The climate in Southern Part of Peninsula is distinctly different from climate in Himalayan Ranges.

    3.Climatic conditions do alter Pranic body (one of the five sheaths of body) of its inhabitants through Sounds they utter. [Some Basics of any Lanuagae - Words are sounds. Thoughts are words in sequence, in logical sequence, in a particular pattern. Sound is basic. With sound words are created, and then with words thoughts are created, and then with thoughts languages, religion and philosophy, everything. Deep down is the sound. Imagine the letters in awareness, first as letters, then more subtly as sounds, then as most subtle feeling.

    4.Tamil has 12 (6x2) Vowels and 18 (6x3)consonants to represent Murugan or Karthik and one protective sheel (ak) to represent trinetra of Shiv. Wheras Sanskrit has 16 Vowels and 35 consonants.

    5.By seing the number of consonants one may infer the less number of consonants in Tamil. In reality, Tamil also has 3 consonents la,lha and zha whereas in Sanskrit it is represented by one. For south indian climates, Sage Tholkappiayan distinguished "La" -(one nadi by Sage panini) emanating from Swadhistana Chakra as three nadis la,lha,zha. Climatic conditions do alter pranic body of habitants.

    6.In fact, the consonants Ya Ra La Va Lha Zha are considered as eternal consonants, have the power to transcend generations after generations.

    7.Tamil has put so much emphasis on Energy Bodies at Gross level (say Swa Adhisthana) whereas Sanskrit has put so much empahasis on Subtle level (say Anahat) as can be seen from the following comparison.

    To compare, no of Tamil letters are given against no of Sanskrit letters for each Chakra or energy centres.

    Chakra Tamil Sanskrit

    Mooladhara 4 2

    Swadhisthana 6 7

    Manipura 10 4

    Anahata 12 5

    Visuddhi (vowel)16 12

    Agna 3 1

    Total 51 31

    The visual form of Tamil language is Lord Muruga. He is born on the day of suklapaksha (sixth day of bright half of lunar month) carried by Lord Agni (Manipuragam Chakram) with six faces (2x6 vowels; 3x6 consonants), wield a Vel (spear or ak or ayudham). His beauty can be well defined as that of sun’s rays and is considered as a war God. Worshipping this form makes one Success in wars and endurance. That is the reason Tamils have conqured the countries in South East Asia and spread the mandalam /culture, wherever they go.

    They do not live in a village where there is no temple.

  3. Question by Ramesh Keerthi.

    Why the Lord Murugan is referred as forefather of Tamilians?

    It is a belief among Tamils that they are one of the first civilized society which existed before Rock and Sand in this planet. Like other socities of this holy land, they worshipped first nature, then kuldev before identified as Saivities worshipping Shiv, including its tantric rituals of Sakthism and Shaiva Siddhantam. Their agamas are pre vedic.

    #According to legends, Agasthiyar got the Tamil Language from God Shiva and written Tamil Grammer and its Syntex to the Tamil people in Podhigai Hills.

    #One litmus test for any classical language is its Structue with Sound (Uyir Mei Mantram), corresponding light (Visual Form) and environment (Mandalam). Simply put Mantra, Yantra and Mandalam.

    #Lord of Kurinji (Podhigai Hills) is Murugan, a War God. Kurunji is one of five landscapes mentioned in Sangam literature referring to Hill and adjacent areas. He has chosen as the Yantra or Visual Form of Tamil.

    Yantra [form] - Light:

    The visual form of Tamil language is Lord Muruga. He is born on the day of suklapaksha (sixth day of bright half of lunar month) carried by Lord Agni (Manipuragam Chakram) with six faces (2x6 vowels; 3x6 consonants), wield a Vel (spear or ak or ayudham). His beauty can be well defined as that of sun’s rays and is considered as a war God. (Anahatam Chakram). Worshipping this form makes one Success in wars and endurance.

    Mantiram [Tamil Sounds] - Sound

    Visuddhi Chakram- a aa e ee u uu ae aea I o oo ou (uyir) [Communication]
    Anahatam heart chakram and Manipura chakram (mei) [Warrior & Materialism]
    Right – ka sa da ta pa ra (Hard consonants)
    Left - ngha nggha na nha ma nhha (Soft consonants)
    Swadhistanam - Ya, ra, va, la, lha, zha (Eternal consonants)
    Aagya – Ak (Ayutha) (vision-trinetra)

    Mandalam - Environment

    The mandalam or piece of environment where it puts its ownership rights and encompasses cosmic elements of temples, art, architecture and music. The mandalam will act as an auric centre (protective seal) and the effect is now felt in the subtler dimension of consciousness of over 70 million people.

    Tamizh is Murugan and

    Murugan is Tamizh.

    It is appropriate to consider Murugan as the Forefather of Tamizhians as they breathe Tamizh Vibrations 21600 times a day.

  4. Dear sir,

    Legendary work and i got admired in your words with feelings and it is quite interesting.

    I much honour to you sir.

    Contact number -8667318192.
